Carlos Alegre's portfiolio
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+ Self-taught

+ 2 years of Informatics Engineering at Autonomous University of Barcelona

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Cooler Projects


One of the developer's github projects, click to go github repository


Team project for Constellation, November's 2023 Chainlink Hackathon. Bet and fight against other people's imagination with your own unique NFTs in a fair way!

One of the developer's github projects, click to go github repository


Here is a summary and navigation hub to all the audits I've conducted and I'm allowed to show.

One of the developer's github projects, click to go github repository


Fullstack EVM compatible NFT web3 project where you can buy NFTs and then use them to play on the project's web. The game consists on betting money in fights to the pokemon style against other players' NFTs.

One of the developer's github projects, click to go github repository


InputControl smart contract allows you to specify the order and value of inputs that users can send to your functions. It can be used as global public infrastructure or in a private way.

One of the developer's github projects, click to go github repository


A bash script that analyzes forge snapshots to accelerate gas consumption analysis.

One of the developer's github projects, click to go github repository


Implemented data structures, algorithms and design patterns in C++ to reinforce previous knowledge and improve understanding.



One of the developer's github projects, click to go github repository


SPA web page created using React. Gives you a tool to analyze how much percentage of your government's spending will cost to each individual in every taxation level.

Web 3


One of the developer's github projects, click to go github repository


Team project for Constellation, November's 2023 Chainlink Hackathon. Bet and fight against other people's imagination with your own unique NFTs in a fair way!

One of the developer's github projects, click to go github repository


Here is a summary and navigation hub to all the audits I've conducted and I'm allowed to show.

One of the developer's github projects, click to go github repository


Fullstack EVM compatible NFT web3 project where you can buy NFTs and then use them to play on the project's web. The game consists on betting money in fights to the pokemon style against other players' NFTs.

One of the developer's github projects, click to go github repository


InputControl smart contract allows you to specify the order and value of inputs that users can send to your functions. It can be used as global public infrastructure or in a private way.

One of the developer's github projects, click to go github repository


A bash script that analyzes forge snapshots to accelerate gas consumption analysis.

One of the developer's github projects, click to go github repository


I audited the code from this github repo: foundry-defi-stablecoin-f23. Just for practice and experience.

One of the developer's github projects, click to go github repository


A cheap way to avoid attacks from leaked keys on 2tx and/or with time delay unique-role transfer systems.

One of the developer's github projects, click to go github repository


Solidity smart contract that ensures your functions are only called by an address in a previously allowed order or a previously allowed number of times.